Since her arrest in May of 2010, Chelsea has spent more than 11 months now in solitary confinement.
The conditions of her solitary confinement include:
1) Before trial for 2 months in Kuwait (in a cage, in a tent, in the dark, in 105 degree
2) Before trial for 9 months in Quantico, VA (forced to sit still and stare forward at the wall all day).
3) For 1 week, in the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth Kansas, during October 4-11, 2016, as punishment for a July 5, 2016 suicide attempt.
It is possible that Chelsea will again be sent to solitary confinement at the United States Disciplinary Barracks as punishment for her October 4, 2016 suicide attempt.
The UN and major medical and human rights groups around the world recognize solitary confinement as a form of torture.